Monday, March 25, 2013


So I have been making these quilts.

Some of you may have been asking yourself what is up with that?

Well, here's the back ground.

My Grandma Soup (Soubliere) made quilts.  I had seen some and asked about them.  She had some tops that were not finished.  She said I could have them.  :)

When She passed away in 1999 I got a box of quilt squares that were completed.  One set made by her ( little girl) and one made by her mother (Dresden).

I wanted to do my own quilt and mess that up before I touched these blocks.

Anyway, one day I got a link to

What is a Craftsy online class?

Craftsy offers online classes about all of your favorite crafty topics – taught by amazing instructors. Craftsy classes are online, so they are available to you anytime you want for as long as you want – they have no scheduled class times, so you can enjoy them entirely on your own schedule. Each class is taught by an acclaimed instructor and consists of several hours of HD-quality video content… but Craftsy classes are much more than just video! While taking a Craftsy class, you can:
  • Ask your instructor questions, upload photos, and get personalized responses
  • Participate in discussions with your classmates
  • Access supporting class materials – including patterns and helpful tips & tricks
  • Bookmark your favorite moments in the video so that you can easily re-watch them and take notes that you can refer back to anytime

They have online Craft Classes where they have short video lessons 30 to 45 minutes and all the lessons combined into a class.  This makes things so easy. They explain everything and show you how to do it.  And they have a discussion board to type questions.  The other participants and the instructors will answer all questions you may have.

I LOVED that I could look at the videos ANYTIME I wanted.  I can watch on my computer, phone or tablet.  They show you each step and you can rewind again and again until you can get it.

I found on there a class for Quilting.  It was a Block of the Month class where every month they showed you how to make 2 blocks then how to piece the quilt together, baste, quilt and Bind.

The best part of this?   This class was FREE!  I could try it out and decide if I liked it.  I fell in love.

Well after buying fabric (the hardest thing in the project) and after buying a new machine (Hubby got tired of hearing me cuss out the crappy one I had) I finally completed a quilt of my own.

As well as the BOM for 2012 I have signed up for BOM 2013.  I have also bought classes to learn how to do free motion quilting and how to a make a mystery quilt.

The mystery is onoe where they give you "clues".  You make small parts of the quilt in each leason then combine all the pieces at the end for one great looking quilt.  Can't wait to start this one.

Here are the blocks for BOM 2012

The Free Motion Quilting on the BOM Quilt

Mystery Quilt Fabrics - all I  got so far

BOM 2013 - Only January done so far

My one and only Finished quilt.  Made for FIL while in the hospital after foot amputation.  This had all the Grandkids and pictures of all the kids.  Also added "dad' and "Grandpa" quotes.

I have also downloaded a buch of patterns from the site for quilts and for my other love Crocheting.  Waiting to see if they get some more interesting stuff on paper crafts too. 

They also have classes on crocheting, kniting, sewing, cake decorating ....

Head on over and check them out Craftsy
Another Big thumbs up!!

*** all the opinions in this blog are my own.  Don't doubt me or I Kill you.   HEHE  little Jeff Dunham hummor.  ***


So I have been getting these boxes lately.

They are not a free service like other programs I belong to but for the $10 Shipping and Handling fee you get LOTS of fun products.

Well here is how they describe thmeselves:
Cravebox™ is the ultimate product discovery service. Cravebox™ delivers themed, curated boxes full of fun finds. Cool stuff that’s relevant to your interests, needs, activities and occasions. Packaged beautifully and delivered to your door.

How it works.

 Each Cravebox™ is a unique offering, with a set number of boxes. Members are notified when each new box is available, and have several days to enter a drawing for a slot.
If your entry is selected, you’ll be notified immediately, charged, and will receive your shipment in about two weeks.

 It’s hard to put a price on the fun of discovering new favorites. But it’s easy to afford. Each Cravebox™ costs just $10-$15 per box, including shipping!

Some of the boxes I have gotten.

The Zatteran Madi Gras pack.

OMG  this one they doubled EVERYTHING

Their amazing Jambalya, Spicy mustard, Red beans and rice, Creole spice, The True Lemon Tea is now my fav.   MMMmmmmm  MMMMmmmmm box is what I called it.

2 Different Axe boxes so Bill could expeience them for himself.

This one was full of full size products.  All the new hair products.  This picture sown 2 boxes.
Coooking Light

Look at all the yummy stuff in here.  Those that know me know that I hate coffee, but my taste tester - Beth - assured me the Tully's Dark roast was awesome and is looking to buy more.  The seasonings are great.  Kids gobbled up the fruit cups and these boxes with food do not last long.

Book and Pampering box

This one cam this weekend.  Yes that is a full size, hard cover book.  It is a Historical Romance.  I have been hooked on this type for a while, my kindle gets a workout.  They gave you a choice of 4 types of books.  The also included conditioner and lotion.  and a coupon and invitation to an online arbornne party.

They were many other boxes that I have gotten, Back to school snacks, they have a cooking light one every couple of months ...
So what do I think.  Well the fact that I keep getting them is a testement how much I like them. 

They have even sent me to search for some of these broducts so I can get more.   The Belvita Breakfast crackers are yummy and a great source of protien and fiber in the morning.  And I am already deep into my new book.

So if I have you DYING to try one of these boxes got over to Cravebox now and sign up for one of these Fab boxes and tell me what you think!

This one gets a BIG thumbs up.
***** THese are promotion boxes that I get at a slight cost.  However, this does not influence the review.  All opinions are my own,****